WOW Licensing Co., Ltd.

WOW Licensing Co., Ltd. (“WOW”), established in 2023, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Top 20 Global Licensing Agents - Guangzhou Art-land Holding Company Limited. Brand portfolio: Barbapapa, NAMITO and QEE. WOW’s professional team manages all license categories including Products, Promotions and Events. Provide full support with licensing services including: Legal, Finance, Brand Management, Creative and Brand Assurance. With our deep insight and perception of the market, we build and promote brands that target market trends and precisely to the right audience.

Brand Matrix

Merchandise Licensing
Case Study【Namito】




Biore launched Barbapapa limited edition personal care collaboration products in Taiwan.

 Total 6 SKUs in 75,000pcs were distributed within 1,937 beauty drug stores.

Case Study【QEE】